Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce that the 14th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics (WSC) will take place in Tsaghkadzor (Armenia) from 26 February till 1 March 2024. Winter Symposium on Chemometrics (WSC) is an international scientific event.
This year the symposium will be held under the auspices of the Armenian Academy of Sciences. It covers a wide range of modern topics in chemometrics, including new algorithms, applications in quantitative and qualitative analysis, PAT, experimental design, image analysis, and many others. The organizers have attempted to achieve an optimal balance between theoretical aspects of data analysis and their practical applications.
The conference brings together both academic scientists and industrial experts, providing many opportunities for personal contacts and fruitful discussions. Traditionally, WSC is very friendly to young scientists and those beginning to carve their way in data analysis. The main objectives of WSC are dissemination and popularization of chemometrics, as well as the establishment of a bridge connecting scientists and industrial partners.
The social and cultural program is what makes the conference unique. Each conference day is concluded with the famous “Scores & Loadings” gathering where communication continues in a less formal manner. The official language of the conference is English.
You are cordially invited to participate in WSC-14!
"Conference venue: ,
Armenia, 2310, Kotayk Marz, Tsaghkadzor, Mher Mkrtchyan 54"
Deadline for early bird registration and
abstract submission for oral presentation
December 1, 2023
Deadline for application
December 30, 2023
Notification of acceptance
January 25, 2024
Conference opening
February 26, 2024
Conference closing
March 01, 2024
Deadline for submission to the special issue of Journal of Chemometrics
May 01, 2024